Baba Venga Prediction for 2023। अगले साल मचेगी तबाही 2023में होने वाली भविष्यवाणी बाबा वेगा

Baba Vanga Predictions for 2023: साल 2022 खत्म होने में अब एक सप्ताह से भी कम समय बचा है और लोग 2023 के स्वागत की तैयारियों में जुट गए हैं. इसके साथ ही बुल्गारिया में जन्मीं बाबा वेंगा की भविष्यवाणियों (Baba Venga Prediction) की एक बार फिर चर्चा होने लगी है. बाबा वेंगा ने सालों पहले साल 2023 के लिए कई भविष्यवाणियां की थी, जो सच साबित हुईं तो धरती पर तबाही मच जाएगी. बता दें कि बाबा वेंगा ने 111 साल पहले कई भविष्यवाणियां की थी, जिनमें से अब तक कई सच साबित हो चुकी हैं. साल 2023 में हो सकता है तीसरा विश्व युद्ध बाबा वेंगा (Baba Vanga) की भविष्यवाणियों के अनुसार, साल 2023 में तीसरा विश्व युद्ध (3rd World War) हो सकता है और इस दौरान परमाणु हमले हो सकते हैं. इससे धरती पर तबाही मच सकती है. बता दें कि जानकार, बाबा वेंगा की इस भविष्यवाणी को रूस और युक्रेन के बीच चल रहे युद्ध से जोड़कर देख रहे हैं और माना जा रहा है कि यह अगले साल तीसरे विश्व युद्ध का रूप ले सकता है. साल 2023 में बदल सकती है पृथ्वी की कक्षा बाबा वेंगा की भविष्यवाणियों (Baba Vanga Predictions) का मानें तो उसके मुताबिक, ...

PF Withdrawal - Online EPF Withdrawal Process 2022

 Employees' Provident Fund {EFF} also Referred to as Pf [ Provident fund ]is a mandatory savings retirement scheme for employees of an eligible organization The employees can fall back on the corpus of this fund post retirement...


When can you Withdraw EFF

One may Choose to withdraw EFF entirely or partially



Complete Withdrawal 


EFF can be Withdrawn entirely only under  the Following two circumstances..

 When an individual retires 

When an individual remains

Unemployed for more than two

two months. To make a

Withdrawal on this 

cricumstance must get an 

attestation from a gazetted office


Individuals cannot make a complete withdrawal of balance while switching employers if then don't  remain unemployed for two months or more 


Partial Withdrawal 

 Partial Withdrawal Of EFF 

balance can be made only under 

certain circumstances. They are 

explained in the table below...



Steps to Apply for EFF

Withdrawal Online on UNA Portal.. 

Step1: Visit the UNA Portal


Step2: Long in with your UNA and Password Enter the captcha 


 Step3: Click on the ' manage' tab and Select 'KYC' to check 

whether your KYC details such as 

Aadhaar , pan and bank details are verified or not 





Step4:Once the kyc details are verified are go to the Online Service tab and  Select  the option claim [ Form -31,19,10c]form the drop down menu 

 How can i check my Pf balance 


IF you have registered your UNA with EPF   [Employee Provident fund Organisation] you can check your Pf balance quickly by sending an SMS all you need to do is send a text message to 7738299899 The text message should include 'EPFOHO UNA ENG'



What is the process of withdrawal ?

You must visit the EPFO website and enter your UNA [universal Account Number]

Password and captcha. you then click on the Online services tab and choose the option claim [Form 31, form 19, form 10c and form 10D]

Enter your bank Account and click on Verify 



in some situations you can withdraw the Pf Amount entirely or partially from your Provident fund before maturity .... Unemployment case if you are an Account holder of the Provident fund then you can withdraw around 75% of the total amount Accumulated if you've been unemployed for a long time 



STEP1:Visit the Member e-Sewa portal on the EPFO Portal step 

STEP2: Sing in to your account with a password UNA and Captcha code .

STEP3: Select Claim [form 19,31,10C, 10D,] form the online Service tab 

STEP4: A New webpage will open where you need to provide the correct bank Account Number linked with UNA 



 How is pf balance calculeter ?

Employee contribition to EPF 12% ru 15000+1800 Employee contribution of 12% will be allocated as follows 8.33% to the Employee pension scheme and the remaing 3.67% to the Employee provident fund . However the employers contribution to the provident fund is 15000 multiplied by 3.675 or 550.5 individuals can withdraw up to 50% of their 



Different Ways to Withdraw EFF

as stated in the introductory paragraph EFF can be made in both offline and online methods therefore lets Discuss the processes Separately


How to Withdraw EFF offline 


online paisha kaise kamaye

2022 में Instagram से पैसे कमाए – Instagram Se Paise Kaise Kamaye

Online पेसे केसे कमाई 2022 में घरे बेठे 13 आशान तारिका आपको हम बताए

Mobile Phone: Even if you turn off the Display in this app | know the name of the app